Amélie Debray explores humanity through social themes such as the family, sport and migration. She is a self-taught photographer. Using a variety of cameras, from medium-format SLRs to darkrooms, she captures history through projects such as “Des Femmes” with homeless women in Paris, “Cow-Girls” with heroines of the American West, and Xénophilia on the relationship between Greeks and migrants.

Involved in community projects, she initiated an artistic experiment in Villepinte (2021-22-23-24) to strengthen ties in the city's Priority Neighborhoods. Her works, such as “L'Esprit du sport” in South Africa and “Surface de réparation” in Palestine, reveal the cultural and social dimensions of soccer. She favors alternative approaches, such as “Histoire de pieds”, revealing the intimacy of famous personalities through their feet. The retrospective exhibition of her work in 2022 celebrates 25 years of contributions to the Rendez-Vous de l'Histoire de Blois, illustrating her ongoing quest for meaning through a variety of perspectives.

Amélie Debray


De Villepinte à l’Olympe
Premières Lignes
La Galerie des Illustres
Droites au But
Villepinte, Ville Peinte
Football et Monde Arabe
Des Femmes

L’Esprit du Sport

Surface de Réparation

Caisse Fermée

Saumur 50x50
Bon Pied, Bon Oeil
Village Olympique de Villepinte (2024)
Parc de la Roseraie, Villepinte (2023)
Halle aux Grains, Blois (2012-2022)
Espace Gainville, Aulnay-sous-Bois (2021)
Centre Culturel Joseph Kessel, Villepinte (2020)
Centre Culturel Joseph Kessel, Villepinte (2020)
Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris (2019)
EP7 La Guinguette numérique, Paris (2018)
Parc Pasteur, Orléans (2016)
Passerelles du Canal-Martin, Paris (2016)
Le Point Ephémère, Paris (2016)
Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris (2016)
Les Berges de Seine, Paris (2014)
La Maison des Arts de Créteil (2010)
Le Point Ephémère, Paris (2010)
Mucem, Marseille (2018)
Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris (2016)
Berges de Seine, Paris (2014)
Le Point Ephémère, Paris (2013)
Visa pour l’Image (2012)
Paris Photo (2012)
La Galerie du Jour (2012)
Hammam Al-Ayn, Jérusalem (2012)
Qattan Foundation, Ramallah (2012)
Piscine Saint-Jean, Blois (Journée du Patrimoine 2014)
Chapelle Saint-Jean, Saumur (2008)
La Galerie Végétale, Paris (2009)
Musée des Beaux-Arts du Château Royal de Blois (2009)
La Maison des Arts de Créteil (2007)


2016-1994 Collaborations with national and international daily press
2012 Surface de Réparation, prefaces by agnès b, Stéphane Hessel and Eric Cantonna, Editions Fondation d'Art Oxylane - Les Presses du Réel
2010 L'Esprit du Sport, preface by Lilian Thuram, Editions Verlhac


2021 CNAP grant Project in Greece
2014 Fonds de Dotation agnès b grant
2008- 2007- 2004 CBNEWS professional press award for best photography


Workshops on photography, chamber photography and pinhole photography:
Aulnay-Sous-Bois, Villepinte, Créteil, Blois, Ramallah, Nablus